I am complaining about the service/treatment provided to me and I understand the Office of the Health Ombudsman may need to access my personal health information for the purpose of handling this complaint. Access to this information will be in accordance with the Act.
I am complaining about the service/treatment provided to the consumer and I understand the Office of the Health Ombudsman may need to access their personal health information for the purpose of handling this complaint. Access to, and disclosure of this information will be in accordance with the Act.
Before you send this form, please check that you have:
- included as much relevant information as possible
- given details of the health service provider you are complaining about
- clearly identified your concerns
- consented to us accessing your healthcare information
- attached copies of supporting documents or information—please do not send original documents.
Privacy and confidentiality
In managing your complaint, we collect personal information about you.
We comply with the Information Privacy Principles in the Information Privacy Act 2009.
We are required to provide your complaint to the person and/or organisation you have named. If there is any information you do not want them to receive, please let us know.
We will not disclose your personal information to anyone else unless you consent or the disclosure is allowed, authorised or required by law.
If your complaint is about a registered practitioner, we will advise the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency of your complaint.
You can apply to access or amend documents held by us under the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Right to Information Act 2009. Some documents - for example those containing the personal information of other people - may be exempt from access.
It is an offence for a person to provide false or misleading information to the Office of the Health Ombudsman.